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Key tips from experts to help your company succeed on social media
How can I reach out better on social media? And how can I know which channel is actually right for my company?
Relax, this article will hopefully resolve a few of your questions. We have spoken to three experts on social media who are happy to give you their most important advice.
Jessica Audsley on Instagram
Jessica Audsley is a social media strategist and founder of
the Rock Social agency that helps companies and organizations reach out on social media, both organically and via advertising. Audsley is a Google Digital Expert who also lectures and coaches about social media.
Why should you as a company invest in Instagram?
You should do if it is the right choice of platform. As part of your overall strategy, you need to ask yourself who is your ideal customer and create personas to understand their driving forces and needs. If they are then on Instagram, you have every reason to be there, you should be where your customers are.
Audsley's most important tips to companies that want to reach out on Instagram
1. Understand your customers
Understand your customers and what drives them, what motivates them and what they are resistant to. You do this by creating personas - a fictional representation of your ideal customer. This is the key to all digital marketing.
2. Have a strategy
Develop a strategy or a plan at least. Think long-term and work consistently. Rome wasn't built in a day, nor is gaining followers on social media.
3. Vary the
Work with different types of content, still images, carousels, video, infographics.
4. Ensure you are visible
Show yourself or representatives of your enterprise. We humans react positively to other people, so having people in your content strategy is smart. This makes you relatable and inviting.
5. Create content that has value for followers
We are inundated with information today, so it is all about creating content that gives something to
your followers. Give them reasons to continue following you or to start following you.
Nathalie Eriksson on Facebook
Natalie Eriksson is the founder of
Crunchtime.se that offers online courses that focus on digital marketing. She is highly experienced having worked with social media for many years and has also run networks together with Facebook.
Why should you as a company invest in Facebook?
Because your target group is there. Because it gives you accuracy, reach and frequency. The best thing about Facebook is that you can reach out to a specific target group and at the same time reach out incredibly broadly.
Eriksson's most important tips to companies that want to reach out on Facebook
1. Understand target group needs
Understand, really understand, what needs your target group has. What type of content is of interest to your target group? Is it about information, statistics or more lighthearted or personal communication?
2. Make sure your tonality is clear
Be consistent and crystal clear in your tonality. It is important to bear in mind that people are fully occupied with their own lives. To be remembered and recognized, we need to work consistently with words, tonality, colors and expressions, for example.
3. Learn how to advertise
All organizations have a budget to stick to but it is worth repeating; advertising is a powerful tool and for many companies, there
can be one or more reasons to learn how to reach out with adverts.
Linda Björck on LinkedIn
Linda Björck works with training in LinkedIn and strategic marketing with her company
Smartbizz. She is also a member of an expert group, chosen by LinkedIn, who have direct contact with LinkedIn Nordics.
What is the best thing about LinkedIn?
At LinkedIn you have a network, the opportunity to build a brand and brand recognition, and to work with social selling. All on one single platform. I have made both friends and done business via LinkedIn.
Björck's most important tips to companies that want to reach out on LinkedIn
1. Have a plan
Having a plan and a strategy is the base, this shows the way forward, but having said that, some companies do not have any strategy and wander around aimlessly in the LinkedIn world.
2. Get to know the platform
Ensure you stay updated and learn about both formats and algorithms.
3. Maintain continuity
You need continuity. Having an active presence, ideally together with your co-workers, will ensure you have good visibility.
4. Vary the formats You have plenty of formats to choose from in LinkedIn and you ought to include video in your content planning. Video namely gives you higher engagement and you can also offer live broadcasts which will give you an amazing seven times more reactions compared to an ordinary video, for example.
5. Measure and evaluate
A company page has much more statistics and data that you should use as your starting point. This makes it easy to see what works, and what doesn't work. Check the statistics and do more of what works.