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Do you find it difficult to choose the right image for your communication? With an image policy behind you, you'll feel more confident.
Cecilia Kusoffsky, art director and designer, tells us more about why your company or organisation needs an image policy and what you should consider when creating it.
About Cecilia Kusoffsky
Cecilia Kusoffsky is an art director and graphic designer who runs an advertising and design agency She has worked with clients such as SAS, LRF, Sturegallerian, Matdestination Skåne and Visit Sweden.
Cecilia, why do I need an image policy?
Everything a company does and says contributes to how you are perceived by the outside world. The images you use in your communications affect the image of you - your brand.
In an image policy you can describe the tone you want to set and the emotions you want to convey. With an image policy, you create a consistent impression, create recognition and strengthen your brand.
It makes it easier to work internally and creates confidence. With an
image policy behind you, you feel more confident in your choice of images. You can easily check whether the image you intend to use is in line with what you have agreed in the policy. It also makes your job easier when ordering new images or giving instructions to a photographer.
What is most important when choosing an image?
The most important thing is that the image should convey a feeling. That's the key! The emotions you want to convey with your images are set out in your image policy.
Other tips to keep in mind are to think outside the box and skip the obvious, maybe challenge blur, try new light, new angles, etc... And remember that the picture doesn't have to describe everything. Let your imagination live a little, for example you could show a detail instead of the
whole picture.
Create an image policy
- 3 important things to remember!
1. Do you have a common basis for what you are communicating?
It's important that the image policy is rooted both in the soul of the company and among the people who will use it.
Start from your company's brand platform so that you have a common basis for what you want to communicate. If you don't have a brand platform, it's a good idea to create one first.
2. Describe your imagery - and make it simple!
For an image policy to be followed by employees, it should be simple. The image policy should be straightforward. It should facilitate and inspire!
To help the user of the policy understand what is absolutely essential, there should be an introductory text describing what applies generally to all images. For example, you may want natural light in your images, exciting angles and so on.
Remember to describe not only what you want in your
images, but also what you don't want. You may want to avoid using flash or images that feel overly arranged.
3. Start from your values and articulate the feelings you want to convey
Starting from your brand platform and your company's core values, values and style, you will have a set of value words that reflect the tone of your company. It's a good idea to include your company's thoughts on equality, gender and diversity.
Go through word by word. Think about what you mean by your value words and describe how it is shown in pictures. Having a workshop together around the words is great fun and gives a good common
Examples of how you can express yourselves to get across the feelings you want to convey in the pictures: "We are more jeans than suit."
"The image should feel real and have a documentary feel. Pictures of real people with real feelings."
"Let the image have some kind of human presence, or the feeling that a person has just been there."