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What do you do when you need several images for a large text? Do you start searching for images in an image bank at once? Or do you think about what you really need before you start looking?
Image editor Sofia Marcetic, who also has years of experience as a photographer and exhibition producer, shares her best tips for choosing images.
Because your choice of images can make a big difference. They can reinforce your message and your brand - if used correctly. So it's wise to think before and during your image selection.
The image editor's to do list
1. Think before you start looking for images
To make a good choice of images, you need to know what the sender wants to convey. What is the purpose of the images? Is it something concrete to convey or an emotion or something else? Is there a common thread?
Also think about who the target audience is. Who will look at the images and where?
How will the images be used? Will they be used in print, digitally or on social media?
If there are any format preferences for the images, this
is also good to know from the start. Images for social media, which may be viewed primarily on mobile, need to have less detail to capture the viewer more quickly than a full-page image in a print magazine.
It can also be useful to know if the company or organisation has a graphic profile or image mannerisms that should be followed. Is there a colour that is more dominant?
2. Vary the images - and let them tell something more than the text
A caption that describes exactly what the image represents, is there anything more boring? Similarly, you want to avoid the image saying the same thing as the text. Think bigger! Try to find images that complement the text and tell something more.
When it comes to people in imades, think variety. Different ages, genders, skin colours, functional variations and facial expressions will be more exciting to look at than when all the images contain
people of the same age and gender.
Also vary the cropping of the images to make it more interesting. Some pictures can be taken from a distance, some a little closer, and include a detail shot of something really close.
Sometimes it can be difficult to put things in images that are not so concrete. One tip is to try to find something that will still hold the images together. Maybe a recurring colour, or a certain emotion can be the common thread?
3. Don't forget about credibility
Many times it shows if a image was not taken in a Nordic country. It can be small details that give it away, such as furniture in public places, hairstyles, fashion... You feel that something is different.
Most companies and organisations want to be credible. Keep this in mind when looking for images, too, that they should feel authentic. If your business is in a Nordic country, the photos should be taken in a Nordic country.
If you can't
find what you're looking for in a photo archive, it might be worth hiring a photographer to take new pictures that suit your business.